Below you will find some of the best places to Scuba Dive in Belize. We will take you on an underwater adventure second to none.
Your dives may include wall dive (drop offs), Canyon dives (swim thru), Faro dive, and of course, you better Belize scuba diving blue hole.
These dives will take you through the magnificent Belize Barrier Reef (Inner or Outer Reef).
On the day of the tour, we will take account of the weather, consult with the group, and determine where the group will be escorted by a PADI Dive Master, who will make extra effort to point out interesting things.
We also offer Belize Scuba diving certification, click to learn more.

Arr, named after John Glover, a pirate, who used the atoll as a base to plunder Spanish ships in the 1600’s.
At only 20 miles long and 7.5 miles wide, it is Belize’s smallest and southernmost atoll. It is also Belize’s most completely formed coral atoll offering a wide abundance of coral and marine life, unmatched by any dive location in Belize.
due to it being located farthest from the busier diving hub of Ambergris Caye and Belize City, you will soon discover that it is also the least visited of all the atolls which make for real exclusive and pristine diving.
About 700 patch reefs in the lagoon call it home, and it is surrounded by 50 miles of sheer drop-offs, which start from 25 feet and drop straight down to about 2,700 feet, you will find that most of the reefs are virtually uncharted and untouched.
A tad further than other dive sites, it is definitely worth the ride. There are countless amounts of dive sites to choose from. Some of the most popular ones are:
Long Caye Wall
Located approximately 200 meters from Long Caye, this wall is simply breathtaking. You will find every kind of Caribbean coral and colorful sponges on this dive. Mantas are often seen along the wall as well.
The Aquarium
It's in the name. It offers crystal clear waters and huge colorful schools of creole wrasse and yellowtail snappers hanging out at cleaning stations. You might also run into the occasional dolphins and turtles, as well as huge numbers of horse-eye jack and black durgons as you venture off the wall. Most of the activity here are often found early in the morning or late in the day, thus we normally make this site our first dive or last before we head back to Placencia.
Manta Wall
Named after the nearby Manta Resort, this area is known for its swim troughs created by massive star, boulder star, and mound corals. Experience nurse sharks lurking, watch huge groupers, almost as big as a man, cruise by.
The Pinnacles
Home to three dozen or so giant coral pinnacles makes this one of the most unique dives you can find at Glover’s Reef Atoll. These coral pinnacles raise up from about 100 feet all the way to about 10 feet. The fish life and overall site are comparable to any Glover’s Reef Dive.
Novice to Intermediate
Boat Ride:
1 Hour 45 Min – 2 Hours

A little further north from our local Belize barrier reef dive sites, and you will experience South Water Caye, which is known for good off-the-beaten-reef diving.
South Water Caye Marine Reserve (SWCMR) is the largest Marine Reserve in Belize covering an area of 117,878 acres.
Home to numerous spotted eagle rays and large southern sting rays, divers and snorkelers will find more pristine reefs and corals.
Beginner to Intermediate
Boat Ride:
1 Hour – 1 Hour 15 min
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
(Time of return may vary depending on how many dives we do)

The Silk Cayes is about an hour away from Placencia. Upon reaching the island your guide will get you geared up and into the water where you will circumnavigate the tiny caye, swimming along just over the coral bottom.
We will see many different species of fish and a few spiny lobsters as well. The water is just about crystal clear on a calm day.
After a 30-40 minute, medium intensity snorkel, you will climb back onto the beach.
Your guide will fix you lunch, after which you will then do some more snorkeling. In 10-20 feet deep water guests often see dolphins rushing underneath.
You also get to see the sea turtles that show up - watch your fingers. You will also see many, many nurse sharks as well as a few spotted eagle rays.

Gladden Spit Belize bursts to life when whale sharks naturally migrate to the area between the months of April and June.
Even thought whale sharks are considered one of the largest fish found in the Caribbean Sea, some growing as large as 40ft long and 4ft wide (bigger than a school bus), they are as gentle as a baby, making it easy for you to swim right up to them and alongside them.

Most of Belize's inner reef dive sites are at or around Laughing Bird Caye National Park, which is also a World Heritage Site.
Getting to Laughing Bird Caye will take you on an eleven-mile, 30 minutes, boat cruise east of Placencia. Fringe reef systems make up most of the dive sites, boasting with spur and groove formations, as well as occasional drop-offs and areas of patch reef, making them ideal for entry-level and novice divers, since there are very weak currents, and many of the sites are protected.
If you are an experienced or expert diver, and have a keen eye for details, especially when it comes to spotting the many sea life abundant in Belize's waters, then our Laughing Bird Caye tour is perfect for you.
Laughing Bird Caye Slope: accessible by shore and boat, this area is a favorite location to begin our Discover Scuba Diving Course or our Full PADI Open Water Diver Certification. Being a natural fish nursery it gives the learning divers something to see while taking these courses.
Coral Garden: this area is known for its diversity of corals and is great for a novice boat dive. This site boasts plenty of reef fish including spotted drums, as well as invertebrates like lobsters, cleaner shrimp, and arrow crabs.
Laughing Bird Caye South: home to a huge canyon that runs north to south giving it multiple dive potential on either side of the canyon or in between. Keep an eye out for lobsters hiding in the walls, nurse sharks and southern stingrays cruising by or laying on the sand.